"Books are a uniquely portable magic." ~Stephen King

"Anyone who says they have only one life to live must not know how to read a book." ~Author Unknown

"In between the lines there's a lot of obscurity. I'm not inclined to resign to
maturity." ~The Friendly Indians

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Love Story

Well, we’ve just completed our Cinderella mini unit. I love cheesy love stories! You know the ones…stories that have a happily ever after ending and it’s all wrapped up in a delicate blue box with a white ribbon on top (okay, so I’m talking about a package from Tiffany’s, but it still applies to here too!). Now, I know that I said that I wasn’t giving extra credit on the blog until next marking period, but this assignment will be due next marking period, so *technically* it’s a next marking period extra credit assignment. I want you to create your own Cinderella story. In order to get credit, you need to have a beginning, middle, and happy ending. Each section needs to be two paragraphs with 10 complete sentences in each paragraph. I won’t take off for improper paragraph structure since this is a creative writing assignment. The assignment needs to be typed, and have correct spelling and grammar. It needs to be submitted to me by the end of the school day on Friday, March 26th. Do not tell your peers about this extra credit. They should be checking the blog everyday to figure it out for themselves.  I can’t wait to read your stories!!!
Happy Writing,
<3 Mrs. T…hompson


Emolaylay☼♥ said...

yay! can't wait! i'm starting on this right now! but, one question, can it be longer?

Mrs. T...hompson said...

Just remember that it must be typed...my old eyes can only handle so much 7th grade writing skills in one year.
<3 Mrs. T...hompson

Mrs. T...hompson said...

By writing skills, I meant handwriting...just to clarify.
<3 Mrs. T...hompson

Emolaylay☼♥ said...

oh okay haha but, could we comment it or i could post it on my blog? i can't print anything on my laptop

Emolaylay☼♥ said...

and one more thing haha could it be of mystical creatures or animals? i'm feeling inspirational right now haha

Emolaylay☼♥ said...

oh! and can we add illustrations?! i want to go all out for this! (i think i'm getting annoying haha)

Emolaylay☼♥ said...

oh, yeah mrs t, i usually write my stories in small chapters. so, would it be okay if we gave it to you in parts?

asia the continet bradley said...

i wuv you mrs. t yooooooooooooooo are awesome u is the bomb u r all that in a bag of potatoe chips no matter what u is awesomly awesome you is the most beastinest person ever

Mrs. T...hompson said...

First, I need you to give me a typed copy for credit. Second, you can post it on your blog for others to comment on it, or I can post it on the main page here. If you can't print it, you can either save it on a flash key and I'll print it at school or you can email it to me directly from your email account and not the blog. That way I can print it out too. Mystical creatures and animals rock, just remember it has to be version of a Cinderella story. Also, I need all of the main components at once by the due date. If you want to give me more in pieces, I'd be more than thrilled to read and comment on them. If you do illustrations, the would be awesome, but obviously we would have to take pictures to post them on the blog. That might be a pain. Remember to poor-man's copyright your story if you're posting it anywhere on the internet.
<3 Mrs. T...hompson

Mrs. T...hompson said...

Asia the Continent~
Thanks for the compliments. I think you're awesome too! Are you going to try this assignment? Oh, and by the way, no text talk on my blog!!!
<3 Mrs. T...hompson

Emolaylay☼♥ said...

okay thanks mrs t! i can't believe i commented that many times haha sorry :)

Unknown said...

oh i see how it is Asia!!!
haha, just kidding

Emolaylay☼♥ said...

i have my story saved on my laptop but it sucks. do you still want me to send it?

Mrs. T...hompson said...

Remember, we are our own worst critics.

sanana said...

i can do it and thanks this will be so fun!!


(Savannah Powell)

Sanana said...

i am so doing this it seems like easy E.C. thanks Mrs.T!!!


Emolaylay☼♥ said...

okay i'll send it to you but, morrow at school could you tell me your school email so i can email it to chu? i can't remember it :)