"Books are a uniquely portable magic." ~Stephen King

"Anyone who says they have only one life to live must not know how to read a book." ~Author Unknown

"In between the lines there's a lot of obscurity. I'm not inclined to resign to
maturity." ~The Friendly Indians

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

It's About That Time Again

The new marking period has started, report cards are going out, and we're prepping our bottoms off for the E.O.G.  Are you feeling a little stressed?  Need something to take the edge off of that headache that you get whenever you come to my class?  How about some extra credit?  Just post a comment and it's yours!  You need to post by Friday, May 7th.  I bet my remedy beats Tylenol 10 to 1. 
May your stress be relieved...for now.
<3 Mrs. T...hompson


Emily said...

is this cure only temporary?

Sanana said...

here is my comment haha thanks for the extra credit mrs.thompson you rock my soxs

Corgii said...

hahah yep so much going on! 8D study, study study (: but its all going to be worth it.... eventually xD hahah love ya mrs T.Hompson! <3


asia the continet said...

the EOGS wow i feel nervous gots a bunch of studying to do

Anonymous said...

hey, i'm done with my book report script and my celeberty chart, so i'm almost done!!!

-rachel w.

Anonymous said...

heyo i need some extra credit so i am typing this that is pointless so hope i get extra credit.

Mrs. T...hompson said...

You did exactly what needed to be done for the extra credit! It was that easy. I told you so!!
<3 Mrs. T...hompson

Mrs. T...hompson said...

Yes, this cure is only temporary. It actually wears off on Friday. Sorry!! Oh, and your symptoms will REALLY flare up the first week in June!
<3 Mrs. T...hompson

jordan!! said...

YAY!!!! extra credit!!!!!! thats my most favorite thing in the world!!!

~popcorn!!! btw im gonna update my blog now!!!!

Emily said...

omg! why not make a full time cure?!