How did you become a reader? Who influenced you/taught you to read? Why do you read? If you could only have ONE book to read for the rest of your life, what would it be and why. Think *very* carefully about this question. Your response has to be 10 sentences and be submitted to the comments section by Monday, April 3rd for extra credit.
You rock!
<3 Mrs. T...hompson
I don't know why I became a reader, I just did! This is true! Haha. I think one of my preschool teachers taught me how to read. I'm pretty sure of it. I read for fun, I love to read. Some people think that's weird. I don't care. I would want either Cirque Du Freak: Tunnels of Blood or Cirque Du Freak: Trails of Death to read for the rest of my life. They are Adamrific Tommytastic.
Okay, here goes!
I became a reader because when you open a book and enter into another world you feel like nothing is wrong or you forget about the bad things that happen during the day, you feel invincible (well, I do). My mom, teachers, and stepdad taught me to read, starting with ABC's! There are a lot of books to chose from that I could read for the rest of my life. Since I could only choose one it would probably be...The Last Song. The Last Song is a book about love,hate,tragedy,betrayal,and about forgiveness and the miracles or God. I could picture myself reading it over and over again. It could also inspire me to write more about life and beliefs. I think it would be okay only to have one book (since you asked anyways!) because (back to the journal) I could make my own adventures through my own writing and keep those for comfort. I think books are a way to drift into your own world and just to go with the flow. Even if it is with just one book (although I hope that will never happen). So, what book is your comfort?
i became a reader by....well learning 2 read lol!.
i think probably me kindergarden teacher taught how 2 read im not sure.i cant remeber that long ago
i read because its the feeling u get when you fill like your in the book and not in the world anymore.I get that feeling alot haha!.i really love books haha.
if i could have 1 book it would probably be twilight.i love that book it is so good. Twilight acuttaly has a meaning to it.i like twilight because well because of edward.yes i know most of the people are team jacob.well i am TEAM EDWARD!!. so that is my extra credit!!!!!!!!!!!.
and yes the last sentece counts!
mrs.t april 3rd has already passed dont you mean may 3rd, poor poor mrs.t so confused
i started to read... because i thought it was cool. my kindergarten teacher taught me how to read. if i has only one book to read it would be the book breaking dawn. it is a romantic action surprise kind of book. breaking dawn is cool jumping book you wouldn't want to put down. the vampires and werewolfs team up i mean really that is so cool. alice and jasper leave i mean really thats kind of uncool. bella has a baby and turns into a vampire cool! the volturi comes and be like all grumpy like a mean funny. the hole series is cool though. breaking dawn is the best book i have ever read in my life. asia :)
im not really sure wht i started to read..... i guess just because they teach it to you in school when your little, like it or not. hahah but im really glad i did learn because books are beautiful. they are more complex than just words on paper. they tell a story. even if its short, it stays in your heart. if i could only read one book for the rest of my life...? well mrs. T.Hompson, your going to hate me for this one, but. The Hunger Games. yep. i apsoutly love that book. its very emotional and you get so attached to some characters. i have never cryed during a book in my life. but this one i was close to curling up in a corner and screaming. i found myself yelling and wishing people dead. it really brings out emotions in you. and i love, the mix and change of those emotions throughout the book.
i could live through those emotions every day. i could. because its like we cant always find it inside of ourselves. and you know.... its ok to just break down and cry.
that or God part was supposed to be of God sorry mrs t!
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