Welcome scholars! Can you believe that we made it through the hectic first day of school? I don’t know about you, but I am utterly exhausted!! What was your favorite part of the day? Did you get the classes you wanted? Did you make any new friends? Did any of your old friends change and surprise you? I’d love to hear about it in the comments section (with your first name only, last initial and block. There’s more about using your name on this blog further down in the post). No, it’s not for extra credit…yet. Be patient, we have a long school year ahead of us and there will be many, many, many (probably too many) opportunities for extra credit. If you have any questions for me, you can ask them now (since I assume we’ll be reading this together in class), or you can leave them in the comments section and I’ll answer them in another post.
Guess what?! Did you know that I’m willing to share my rockin’ blog with all of you? Be a guest blogger! Do you have a book that you positively love or hate? Write a book review. Maybe you have a poem you’ve written, and you would like some feedback. Do you think you know the “real” meanings behind some of your favorite songs or poems? Have you ever considered writing a short story?
There are two ways to be a guest blogger. You can either write out your submission on paper and I’ll type it for you, or you can email them to me. I’ll post them right here on the main page. I’ll put you’re name on it ONLY if you want me to; otherwise, I’ll keep your anonymity. If you do want your name on it, I’ll only put your first name, last initial and block. You MUST NEVER use your last name here. In fact, you should NEVER, EVER use your last name anywhere on the internet, but that’s another lecture for another time.
Well, that should do it for now. I’m oh so excited about this school year, and I hope that you are too!!
Mrs. T…hompson
hey i love your class your fun and funny this is houston r
your the best by houston r
Hi, Mrs.Thompson just wanted to say hi!! <3
Hi guys! Thanks for checking out the blog at home and for the compliments!! So, tell me a little about your first few days in school. It doesn't necessarily have to be about my class. Oh, and don't forget to put your block! I'm still trying to remember names!
my first day was crazy but i had calmed down by ur class! lol i went to electives (life skills- Mrs.Whicker) then i went to key boarding/ business technology (Mr.Powell) then we got let out at 2:40 then i was walking up the steps then i had to turn right around?!? then today i actually did some work (not that i like doing work(lol)) so today we got a million papers (why) ? best teacher ever.
-Hanna I.
You ABSOLUTELY can comment on the blog!! However, I had to delete your post because I'm not allowed to have student's pictures on the blog and you can't have your last name (which you don't). New school blog guidelines, dontcha know.
Sounds like you had an interesting first day. However, it's disturbing that *MY* class calmed down your day. LOL, indeed!!!!!
Okay. Maybe "disturbing" was the wrong word to use. Let's try "intriguing". :)
D: School guidlines? D': No faiiirrr. I'm happy we can still comment on zee blog! ^^ Shannon told me what she said haha, could we have the picture we drew on there? Would that be acceptable? ^^ :) I'm sorry we can't really visit this often. Mr. Hunnings makes us go in our seat at 7:30 until we go to lockers and well, teachers block the doors at bus schedule (I'm a bus rider now Whoop Whoop!) Anywho, schedules are shaping up nicely ^^ Lots of busy busy busy move move move going on. They make you a lot more independent in 8th Grade. How was your first and second day Mrs. T? :)
Hi William!
I had a most rockin' day!! How was yours? Do you like 7th grade? How do you like your classes? What books do you plan on reading this year? How do you like Stormbreaker so far? Thanks for the compliment about my class. I really want us to have a fun, learning filled year that's filled with sunshine, rainbows, unicorns, and butterflies (of course). :)
I had to delete your comment because you used your last name. Remember to only use your last initial. Thanks!!!
my internet is inlarged so i cant read midnight sun :( :( !!!!!!!
-Hanna I.
do we do the back of homework even thogh we did not do the beginning of the sentencesin class?:'
Absolutely do the back of the homework sheet. I think we sufficiently practiced how to reword the question in our complete sentence answer. Remember, I gave you all the freebie of telling you that this was an effort grade, so just try your best. You can do it!!!
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