"Books are a uniquely portable magic." ~Stephen King

"Anyone who says they have only one life to live must not know how to read a book." ~Author Unknown

"In between the lines there's a lot of obscurity. I'm not inclined to resign to
maturity." ~The Friendly Indians

Friday, April 30, 2010

Awesome Anonymous Poem

Never say I love you if you really don't care:
Never talk about feelings if they aren't there:
Never hold my hand if you're going to break my heart:
Never say you'll always plan to love me  if you never plan to start:
Never look me in the eyes if all you do is lie
Never say hello if you really mean goodbye
If you mean forever then say you'll try:
Never say forever cause forever makes you cry...

Leave some feedback in the comments for the author!  I think this poem RRR....OOCKS!!!
<3 T...hompson

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Tell Me A Story

How did you become a reader? Who influenced you/taught you to read? Why do you read? If you could only have ONE book to read for the rest of your life, what would it be and why. Think *very* carefully about this question. Your response has to be 10 sentences and be submitted to the comments section by Monday, April 3rd for extra credit.
You rock!
<3 Mrs. T...hompson

Friday, April 23, 2010

Let's play a game, shall we?

It's called "Would You Rather..."  This book is quite interesting.  It gives you two choices about what you would rather do.  I'm interesting in seeing what you have to say.  I might even post them on the front page of this blog!  Let's play!!
Would you rather...
...eat a little and be too hungry or eat a lot and be sick?
...be bitten by a shark or a pit bull?
...be thirsty or have a full bladder and not be able to relieve yourself for an hour?  (Remember how your bladder works!!)
...have hot itchy feet or have hot itchy armpits?
...eat dog food or cat fool?
...make a difference in the world without being noticed or be famous for doing nothing?
...be the person who vomits or who cleans it up?
My answers are in the comments section.  Your answers should be there too...hint, hint, hint!
<3  Mrs. T...hompson

Monday, April 19, 2010

Deadline for Extra Credit

I forgot to assign a deadline for the last post's extra credit!  Well, we can't have that now, can we?  Let's see...comment time, Walmart time (for tissues, remember!)...hmmm...let's say Friday, April 23rd. 
Read, Read, Comment, Read!!
<3 Mrs. T...hompson

Friday, April 16, 2010

I just finished reading “Love, Stargirl” and I have to admit that I am oh so happy that no one was around to witness my reaction to the ending. Now, I’m not going to give any spoilers; all I’m going to say is that it made me cry horribly, I had a terrible case of a snotty nose, and NO TISSUES!! Luckily, I didn’t see anybody in the halls as I scrambled to the bathroom!! I use to think that Stargirl and I were extremely alike, but after reading this book, I realize that I still have many barriers to overcome, that I have to be even MORE open-minded, and that I have to live for today, today, today, and not fret about tomorrow. Like Cat Steven's song:
“Take your time,
 think a lot,
 Why, think of everything you’ve got,
 For you will still be here tomorrow,
 but your dreams may not.”
So, I need to post some extra credit, right? I mean, it’s been forever since I’ve done that! Alright, for extra credit, I need you to 1. In the comments section, tell me a little about someone, real or fictional, that has made a difference in your life and what they did that inspired you and 2. Bring in a box of tissues!
Rock the Reading!
<3 Mrs. T...hompson