"Books are a uniquely portable magic." ~Stephen King

"Anyone who says they have only one life to live must not know how to read a book." ~Author Unknown

"In between the lines there's a lot of obscurity. I'm not inclined to resign to
maturity." ~The Friendly Indians

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

You're not the boss of me; I'm going to read what I want!

Even though I made a comment to Twilight (Shannon Harris) about being open minded and actually *reading* the Twilight series, really it’s up to her. I mean, I know I’m right about how fantastic the series is (remember, I’m ALWAYS right), but in the end, I’m not the boss of her (mostly) and she can pick whatever she wants to read. That goes for the rest of us, which includes me.

If you’re paying attention to what I’m currently reading, you’ll notice that I was reading The Hunger Games. I read almost 50 pages of it and had to put it down. The story is extremely well written, but it was just way too suspenseful for me. I was on edge the whole time! When I read, I like to relax and escape from everyday life. That book did the complete opposite for me because it was so realistic and I could see those events as a possibility for the future; not the near future, mind you, but still…

Basically, what I’m telling you is that you NEED to read what YOU want, and if you give the book an honest try, but still don’t enjoy it, then try something different. You can move on to a different author in the same genre or to another genre altogether. Don’t waste your time torturing yourself with a book you can’t stand. Reading is one of the greatest things you can do with your time, so read what you want, escape, and enjoy!
Read On!!
Mrs. T...hompson


Unknown said...

YAY! im famous!!!
-Shannon (Twilight) Harris

Anonymous said...

Hahaha, shannon! yay, now adam can find us! hahaha


Unknown said...

yurp!! im so EXCITED now! HI ADAM!!!

Emily said...

Oh my Goodness! He sees this?! ALREADY?! Ahhh! We lurve you Adam! Wait, was that too soon? Wait, I can change! Adam! Nooooo! Hahahaha

Anonymous said...

:) i love them don't you mrs.T.(:i like everthing that you put on here is so like you :) thats why your the AWESOMENESS TEACHER THAT A STUDENT COULD ASK FOR MAYBE SOME WILL ASK IF YOU COULD THIER MOM :))