Number 12
What is the importance of the # 12? Well to start off ith , with out the #12 we could not get to # 13. Also I would not be 12 years old. No one would be able to to turn 13 years old.!.!.!. I would not be able to have my 12 best friends or any friends. In softball no one would be able to make it past 12 pionts Plus my birthday would be August 12th, and there would be an egg missing from the carton, you could not buy a dozen doughnuts. You cant even have 12 m-n-m's. Also we could not have Christmas cause it is in the 12th month. Without 12 we would have really short books cause there would be only 11 pages in a book. Now don't you see why the # 12 is important. Well I do.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
~Super Katy
See how easy this is...go Super Katy!!!!!!
"Books are a uniquely portable magic." ~Stephen King
"Anyone who says they have only one life to live must not know how to read a book." ~Author Unknown
"In between the lines there's a lot of obscurity. I'm not inclined to resign to
maturity." ~The Friendly Indians
"Anyone who says they have only one life to live must not know how to read a book." ~Author Unknown
"In between the lines there's a lot of obscurity. I'm not inclined to resign to
maturity." ~The Friendly Indians
Friday, February 26, 2010
Thursday, February 25, 2010
Is ANYBODY Checking This Thing?!?
I mean, really. I only have 4-5 students who regularly read AND comment on this thing. Remember, this is your blog too. Write a book review, compose a poem, start a short story or novel, and then email it to me (don't use the comments button) but EMAIL it to me, and I'll post it on the main page. many times have I told you that?!? Oh, and for the millionth time, sometimes there's extra credit on here. So, to see if anybody really checks the blog without being told here is some extra credit. I'm giving extra credit to anyone who posts a comment to THIS and only THIS entry by midnight tonight. Finally, if you're reading this, DO NOT and I repeat DO NOT tell your friends about the extra credit. I want an accurate count of people who visit here. If I find out (and you know I will) that you've told anyone about the extra credit, I won't give it to you. Let's see what happens, shall we?
Reading With My Fingers Crossed~
Mrs. T...hompson
Reading With My Fingers Crossed~
Mrs. T...hompson
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
A Tribute For Adam Lambert That's Going to Make Me Puke
So, as you all know, this isn't *just* a book blog; it's a writing and poetry blog too. Soooo.....Twilight and E.O. this one's for you!
My Ode to Adam Lambert
Oh, Adam Lambert
I love you so dear,
I could die in your arms
If you whispered in my ear.
I gaze at your pictures
every star filled night,
My heart skips a beat
When you’re caught in my sight.
I’m *plotting* a way
we can meet face to face,
I believe in love at first sightAnd that is our fate.
Once we meet
we will never be apart,
You and I will have found
A little piece of each other’s heart.
My Cinderella encounter
Will happen upon our meeting day,
I won't be able to speak
Because you take my breath away.
I know it will happen
Oh so soon,
I’ll be the bride
And you’ll be the groom.
We will both be elated
On our wedding day,
We’ll shed joyous tears,
Gently wipping each other’s away.
We’ll have our first dance
Happy tears and all
But your eyeliner won’t smear
It's waterproof afterall.
*Shudder* *Shudder* EEEEWWWWEEEEEE!! I'm going to go read something to erase my memory of that lame poem I wrote. Do NOT let it haunt me in the future!!
Now, back to our reading!!
Mrs. T...hompson
I've Been Robbed!!
Who would have thought that sweet little Lilac Rain would steal my Alice in Wonderland book? I suppose I can’t get too angry or ground her for swiping *my* book. It is a book after all. *Sigh* I hope she finishes it oh so soon! Until then, it’s Mr. Magorium's Wonder Emporium for me. Oh, and by the way, did you know that this novel comes in two (that's TWO, not ONE but TWO) versions?!? One is for the movie and one is the original version, AND I've just discovered that there's a WHOLE ENTIRE SERIES of Mr. Magorium books! I have to devise yet another evil plan to obtain all of these books and the library isn't an option. I would like to own them, so I can read them over, and over, and over , and over, get the picture. "Hello? Barnes and Nobel? I was you have these books in stock?"
Keep Up With Your Reading Adventures!
Mrs. T...hompson
Keep Up With Your Reading Adventures!
Mrs. T...hompson
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
You're not the boss of me; I'm going to read what I want!
Even though I made a comment to Twilight (Shannon Harris) about being open minded and actually *reading* the Twilight series, really it’s up to her. I mean, I know I’m right about how fantastic the series is (remember, I’m ALWAYS right), but in the end, I’m not the boss of her (mostly) and she can pick whatever she wants to read. That goes for the rest of us, which includes me.
If you’re paying attention to what I’m currently reading, you’ll notice that I was reading The Hunger Games. I read almost 50 pages of it and had to put it down. The story is extremely well written, but it was just way too suspenseful for me. I was on edge the whole time! When I read, I like to relax and escape from everyday life. That book did the complete opposite for me because it was so realistic and I could see those events as a possibility for the future; not the near future, mind you, but still…
Basically, what I’m telling you is that you NEED to read what YOU want, and if you give the book an honest try, but still don’t enjoy it, then try something different. You can move on to a different author in the same genre or to another genre altogether. Don’t waste your time torturing yourself with a book you can’t stand. Reading is one of the greatest things you can do with your time, so read what you want, escape, and enjoy!
Read On!!
Mrs. T...hompson
If you’re paying attention to what I’m currently reading, you’ll notice that I was reading The Hunger Games. I read almost 50 pages of it and had to put it down. The story is extremely well written, but it was just way too suspenseful for me. I was on edge the whole time! When I read, I like to relax and escape from everyday life. That book did the complete opposite for me because it was so realistic and I could see those events as a possibility for the future; not the near future, mind you, but still…
Basically, what I’m telling you is that you NEED to read what YOU want, and if you give the book an honest try, but still don’t enjoy it, then try something different. You can move on to a different author in the same genre or to another genre altogether. Don’t waste your time torturing yourself with a book you can’t stand. Reading is one of the greatest things you can do with your time, so read what you want, escape, and enjoy!
Read On!!
Mrs. T...hompson
Thursday, February 18, 2010
Just Curious
What's your favorite book of ALL TIME? You know...the one that you read over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over. The one with the worn pages and torn book cover, or maybe it's one from the media center/library that you keep checking out over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over again. Mine is To Kill A Mockingbird by Harper Lee. I highly recommend it, and guess what? It's in our school media center, and guess what else? There's three (that's T-H-R-E-E) copies AVAILABLE right at this very minute!! Just a suggestion, don'tcha know?
Read, Read, Read!
Mrs. T...hompson
Read, Read, Read!
Mrs. T...hompson
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Bodacious Book Blogs
Dudes and Chicks,
If you go to the right side of my blog and scroll down, you will see a list of Bodacious Book Blogs. For extra credit, click on the rcms blog, and take the two polls. Then have your parents write a little note (on paper, and NOT in the comments section of this post) saying that you accomplished this assignment and then you will receive extra credit. The note must be turned in to me by Friday (February 19th) in order for you to receive credit.
Rock my socks with your reading progress...your book reports are due oh so soon!!
Mrs. T...hompson
If you go to the right side of my blog and scroll down, you will see a list of Bodacious Book Blogs. For extra credit, click on the rcms blog, and take the two polls. Then have your parents write a little note (on paper, and NOT in the comments section of this post) saying that you accomplished this assignment and then you will receive extra credit. The note must be turned in to me by Friday (February 19th) in order for you to receive credit.
Rock my socks with your reading progress...your book reports are due oh so soon!!
Mrs. T...hompson
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Peace, Love, and Schooled
Here’s another book that I think you’ll positively love!

Schooled is about a high school student named Capricorn (Cap) Anderson. He has lived on a farming commune all of his life with his grandmother, Rain. He has long hair, wears hemp clothes, homemade sandals, and practices tai chi on the front lawn. Cap has been homeschooled his whole life, so he has never watched television, never eaten pizza, and doesn’t even know what a wedgie is! One day, Rain falls out of a tree while picking plums; she breaks her hip, and has to stay in the hospital until it heals. Since Cap isn’t old enough to stay on the farm by himself, he has to temporarily live with his social worker, and go to REAL school!! What do you think will happen next? For extra credit, make a prediction about what you think will happen to Cap. It must be submitted before midnight tonight or you will not receive credit. This is a fantastic book for both dudes and chicks that will hold your attention until the end! Anybody who passes up the opportunity to read this book is missing out on a TON of real life experiences and characters. I'll try to pick up a copy of Schooled this weekend, but I'm not making any promises! Check your local library; they'll probably have a copy there.
Peace, Love, and Reading!
Mrs. T...hompson

Schooled is about a high school student named Capricorn (Cap) Anderson. He has lived on a farming commune all of his life with his grandmother, Rain. He has long hair, wears hemp clothes, homemade sandals, and practices tai chi on the front lawn. Cap has been homeschooled his whole life, so he has never watched television, never eaten pizza, and doesn’t even know what a wedgie is! One day, Rain falls out of a tree while picking plums; she breaks her hip, and has to stay in the hospital until it heals. Since Cap isn’t old enough to stay on the farm by himself, he has to temporarily live with his social worker, and go to REAL school!! What do you think will happen next? For extra credit, make a prediction about what you think will happen to Cap. It must be submitted before midnight tonight or you will not receive credit. This is a fantastic book for both dudes and chicks that will hold your attention until the end! Anybody who passes up the opportunity to read this book is missing out on a TON of real life experiences and characters. I'll try to pick up a copy of Schooled this weekend, but I'm not making any promises! Check your local library; they'll probably have a copy there.
Peace, Love, and Reading!
Mrs. T...hompson
Friday, February 12, 2010
Take the Stargirl Challenge
I absolutely *LOVE* Jerry Spinelli! I would call him "my rock star boyfriend" only he isn't a rock star, so let's just refer to him as "my author boyfriend".
Stargirl is about, well, a girl actually named Stargirl. She goes to Mica High and nobody can quite figure her out. She wears bizarre clothes, plays the ukulele, and has a pet rat that loves to ride on her shoulder. Leo is dealing with his own idenitiy by trying to fit in, but falls in love with Stargirl. Will she become accepted by her peers? Will Stargirl change who she is just to fit in, or will Leo turn out just as weird as Stargirl? Stargirl is a book that appeals to both guys and girls. The girls will relate to Stargirl (obviously) and the guys will see that fitting in with their friends holds some challenges too.
On a scale of 1-5 where 1 is the worst and 5 is the best, Stargirl most positively, definitely a 5!! This is my third (?) time reading Stargirl from cover to cover, and every time I reread it, I become inspired to be who I really am. When I'm feeling like nobody understands me, I'll pick up the book, flip open to a random page and just start reading. It gives me the confidence to know that it's alright to just be me no matter how weird I may seem to some people.
So, here's the Stargirl challenge, I double dog dare you to pick up a copy of Stargirl (it's in the school media center), read it, and tell me what you think. Has it changed you? Has it changed the way you look at people? Post here if you're going to take the challenge, and later on, I'll post the comments you've made about the book.
Keep on Reading!
Mrs. T...hompson
Stargirl is about, well, a girl actually named Stargirl. She goes to Mica High and nobody can quite figure her out. She wears bizarre clothes, plays the ukulele, and has a pet rat that loves to ride on her shoulder. Leo is dealing with his own idenitiy by trying to fit in, but falls in love with Stargirl. Will she become accepted by her peers? Will Stargirl change who she is just to fit in, or will Leo turn out just as weird as Stargirl? Stargirl is a book that appeals to both guys and girls. The girls will relate to Stargirl (obviously) and the guys will see that fitting in with their friends holds some challenges too.
On a scale of 1-5 where 1 is the worst and 5 is the best, Stargirl most positively, definitely a 5!! This is my third (?) time reading Stargirl from cover to cover, and every time I reread it, I become inspired to be who I really am. When I'm feeling like nobody understands me, I'll pick up the book, flip open to a random page and just start reading. It gives me the confidence to know that it's alright to just be me no matter how weird I may seem to some people.
So, here's the Stargirl challenge, I double dog dare you to pick up a copy of Stargirl (it's in the school media center), read it, and tell me what you think. Has it changed you? Has it changed the way you look at people? Post here if you're going to take the challenge, and later on, I'll post the comments you've made about the book.
Keep on Reading!
Mrs. T...hompson
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